Tuesday 28 May 2013

Fish Identification.

 Whale Shark

Also known as Typus Shark and Tofu Shark.

This beautiful shy shark is the largest living fish species, with very distinctive markings.

Living in the open sea although often comes in close to shore.
They feed on planktonic and nektonic prey, such as sardines, anchovies, mackerel, small tunas and albacore (type of tuna), small crustaceans and squids.
Length - can reach up to 14m
Depth - 0-700m
Widespread Indo-Pacific

This beautiful shy shark is the largest living fish species, with very distinctive markings.
These are slow filter feeding sharks whose mouth can be 1.5m wide and can contain as many as 350 tiny rows of teeth.

The Whale Shark on the right has been identified as M-031 by the ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification Library.

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